Nanci 24 Solar TermsⅠ

Age: 14+

Height: 80-96mm

Package Size: 60*60*110mm

Specification: 12 Basic + 1 Hidden

Material: PVC, Paper

【About random】Note-There are 13 characters in total. Every blind box is randomly arranged. If you buy the whole set, you can get 12 different characters that may contain the hidden one.

The 24 solar terms are the Chinese traditional calendar for people to record the season and climate change. This particular calendar has 12 months, and every month has 2 solar terms.


The 24 solar terms play an important role in Chinese people’s life especially when people don’t have modern devices like smart phones. Intelligent ancient Chinese people did farming according to them. Every solar term has its unique meaning and represents specific changes for seasons. Nanci plays 12 roles in this series.

Nanci's Different Characters in the 24 Solar Terms

Start of Spring 立春

It falls on February 3rd, 4th or 5th and signifies the beginning of spring.

Spring Equinox(Day) 春分(昼)

It falls on March 20th, 21th or 22th and means the day and night have an equal length.

Grain Rain 谷雨

It falls on April 19th, 20th or 21th and means the early crops show their shoots at this time.

Grain in Beard 芒种

It falls on June 5th, 6th or 7th and means the wheat becomes ripe.

Rain Water 雨水

It falls on February 18th, 19th or 20th and means there is an increase of rainfall from then on.

Spring Equinox(Night) 春分(夜)

It falls on March 20th, 21th or 22th and means the day and night have an equal length.

Start of Summer 立夏

It falls on May 5th, 6th or 7th and signifies the beginning of summer.

Minor Heat 小暑

It falls on July 6th, 7th or 8th and signifies the beginning of the hottest period.

Awakening of Insects 惊蛰

It falls on March 5th, 6th or 7th and means thunder begins and hibernating insects wake up.

Clear and Bright 清明

It falls on April 4th, 5th or 6th and means the weather becomes noticeably warmer.

Lesser Fullness of Grain 小满

It falls on May 20th, 21th or 22th and means the seeds of summer crops begin to become plump.

Major Heat 大暑

It falls on July 22th, 23th or 24th and the duration of the sunshine is the longest at this time.

Hidden-Summer Solstice 夏至

1:144 probability

It falls on June 21th or 22th and the daytime is the longest and the nighttime is the shortest of the year at this time.

Nanci's Life About the 24 Solar Terms

At the beginning of the spring, everything comes back to life. Nanci is designed with green hair and two little flowers on buns. Both green color and flowers are the symbol of the spring.
Grain in Beard is a good time to plant late rice and other cereal crops because the temperature rises significantly and the rainfall is abundant at that time. Nanci holds the spike of rice to show this solar term.
Grain in Beard is a good time to plant late rice and other cereal crops because the temperature rises significantly and the rainfall is abundant at that time. Nanci holds the spike of rice to show this solar term.
Minor Heat is a period of the beginning of a hottest summer. Nanci holds a piece of watermelon and wears thin clothes on a wooden chair to spend a hot summer day.
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